Terms and Conditions
1. Terms
By accessing and interacting with TrackTheParcel.com, you legally agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions outlined herein. You also agree to be bound by all applicable local and international laws and regulations. If you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions outlined on this page, you can not use or access the functionality on offer.
All materials and information provided on TrackTheParcel.com are fully protected by the relevant trademark and copyright laws.
You are permitted to use TrackTheParcel.com for non-commercial use only. TrackTheParcel.com reserves the right to refuse users permission to access any aspect of the site without prior notice or explanation.
TrackTheParcel.com may change or modify the service on offer and the associated Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions at any time without prior warning.
2. Disclaimer
The information and functionality that is provided on TrackTheParcel.com are offered on an “as is” basis. TrackTheParcel.com does not make any warranties, be it implied or expressed, and herewith rejects and negates any other warranties including fitness for purpose, implied warranties, non-infringement of intellectual property, or any alternative rights violation. TrackTheParcel.com does not make any warranties related to the reliability or accuracy of the materials and data provided on this site.
3. Limitations
In no circumstances shall TrackTheParcel.com or its associated partners be legally liable for any damages that arise from the use of the materials or information provided on TrackTheParcel.com even if the operators or suppliers are notified orally or in writing of any potential damage. However, as limitations on implied warranties or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages are not permitted in some jurisdictions, these limitations may not be applicable to all users.
4. Legal Policy
TrackTheParcel.com reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service without prior notice. By using TrackTheParcel.com, the user is agreeing not to involve the operators in any form of legal action.