Track the Parcel

Track parcel delivery status with all the major postal services and carriers in one place!



To get an instant progress update on your SpeedPAK package, simply input your unique SpeedPAK tracking number, and our system will access the data stored on the SpeedPAK central system to provide you with a real-time update on what stage in the delivery process your shipment has reached.

About SpeedPAK

SpeedPAK was launched in 2018. It was developed by eBay and Orange Connex (China) Ltd to facilitate the purchase and shipping of products from China. SpeedPAK provides door-to-door shipping services from China to the United States. Its serves several countries including the UK, the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, France, Canada, France, Australia, and 41 additional European nations.

All SpeedPAK's tracking numbers consist of the letters 'EE' or 'ES' followed by 26 letters or digits.

Services provided by SpeedPAK

SpeedPAK provides three service levels: Economy, standard, and express. The average shipping times for the Express service are between 5 and 9 working days. The standard service involves an average delivery time of 8-12 business days. The average delivery time for the SpeedPAK Standard service is 8-12 working days. All three services are available with This service is also offered with end-to-end tracking details (half-way tracking details are on offer for the SpeedPAK Economy service).

SpeedPAK Customer Service Contact

TrackTheParcel provides you with up-to-date information about the status and delivery details of your shipment; however, we do not offer customer support for SpeedPAK. If you have any questions about your package, please get directly in touch with SpeedPAK. You can access support directly from SpeedPAK both via phone and website using the contact details provided below:

Phone: 86-21-60556068
